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Unlock the Power of Reiki: Exclusive Masterclass Bundle

Learn from Internationally Renowned Masters and Deepen Your Reiki Practice Today

The secrets of reiki initiation

In this Masterclass M°Liad Horowitz will introduce the ancient traditions where Reiki initiations are rooted, discuss their connection to Japanese spirituality, and outline the changes the initiation underwent as Reiki was translated to the West.”

The Origin of Reiki

“In this Masterclass, Dr. Justin B. Stein will delve into the roots of Reiki, exploring the history of Usui Reiki Ryoho, the life of Mikao Usui, and the creation of Usui Reiki Ryoho. Stein is a renowned Reiki researcher and author.”

The spirit of reiki

“In this Masterclass, Master Walter Lübeck, with his thirty years of active experience and research, will address many interesting topics about the practice and study of Reiki. His insights will surely enrich the technical and theoretical knowledge of the participants

AICS Masterclass
M° Liad Horowitz

This masterclass lasts two hours, conducted in English and translated into Italian.

AICS Masterclass
Justin Stein Phd

This masterclass lasts two hours, conducted in English and translated into Italian.

AICS Masterclass
M° Walter Lübeck

This masterclass lasts two hours, conducted in English and translated into Italian.

the relevance of surrender in the practice of Reiki

“Surrender is one of the most crucial elements in the practice of Reiki. Yet, it is also one of the most overlooked and least described elements. In this masterclass, Dori and Jojan will shed light on this element and where it can be recognized within oneself as well as within the practice of Reiki.”

The inner teaching of hatsurei -ho

“In this masterclass Frans Stiene, we’ll delve into the meditation practice of hatsurei-ho, exploring its profound impact on understanding and experiencing hands-on/off healing for ourselves and others. Properly practicing hatsurei-ho, a core Reiki meditation, can greatly enhance not only our healing practices but also our daily life management.”

reiki kanji calligraphy

“In this Masterclass, internationally renowned Reiki Master Fokke Brink will guide you through the drawing and understanding of the Reiki Symbol, the Japanese/Chinese Kanji. He will reveal its wisdom and beauty, discuss its power and potential effects, and enhance your understanding of this symbol to support your life and Reiki practice.”

AICS Masterclass
Dori Beeler Phd
 Jojan Jonker pdh

This masterclass lasts two hours, conducted in English and translated into Italian.

AICS Masterclass
M° Frans Stiene 

This masterclass lasts two hours, conducted in English and translated into Italian.

AICS Masterclass
M° Fokke brink

This masterclass lasts two hours, conducted in English and translated into Italian.

The japanese essence of reiki

“In this Masterclass, we’ll explore the esoteric elements of Mikao Usui’s teachings, including the origins of symbols, the meaning of mantras, the sacred aspect of kototama, and the chanting of precepts in Japanese. Frans Stiene, who trains with priests in Japan, will guide us in rediscovering Usui’s practices and teachings.”

“Exclusive Bonus: Post-Masterclass Interviews”

“As a special gift, when you purchase the bundle, you’ll receive all the post-masterclass interviews. Gain additional insights from our renowned Reiki Masters as they delve deeper into their topics, providing you with an even richer understanding of Reiki.”

forging connections

“René’s connection to Reiki is intimate and profound, where practice becomes a privileged tool for experiencing forgiveness and loving acceptance of diversity, the only paths to true healing. In this Masterclass, René will guide us on an extraordinary journey of breaking down barriers, overcoming beliefs, and limiting habits, to broaden horizons and open up to what is new and different.”

AICS Masterclass
M° frans stiene

This masterclass lasts two hours, conducted in English and translated into Italian.

AICS Masterclass
Get your free bonus

These eight post-masterclass interviews total 1 hour in length. They are conducted in English.

AICS Masterclass
M° Renè Vögtli

This masterclass lasts two hours, conducted in English and translated into Italian.

Reiki masterclass Bundle

Dive into the World of Reiki with Our Extraordinary Bundle”

Seize this time-limited offer

 Get your bundle for 39 € instead of 480 €

+ 8 post masterclass interview FOR FREE!!!


This Reiki masterclass bundle is a unique opportunity that you won’t want to miss. With eight masterclasses taught by internationally renowned masters, you’ll deepen your understanding of Reiki and enhance your practice like never before.


Each masterclass delves into a unique aspect of Reiki, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of this powerful healing practice. From the roots of Reiki to the practice of hatsurei-ho meditation, these masterclasses cover a wide range of topics that are essential for any Reiki practitioner.


But that’s not all. When you purchase this bundle, you’ll also receive a bonus of eight post-masterclass interviews, giving you even more insights from our expert instructors.


Normally valued at 800 euros, this bundle is now available at a discounted price of just 69 euros. That’s a HUGE discount, making this an offer you can’t afford to miss.


Don’t miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to learn from the best in the field. Purchase the Reiki masterclass bundle today and take your Reiki practice to the next level.

Meet the Masters: Discover the Expertise Behind Each Masterclass

masterclass Reiki Liad ENG
Reiki Master Liad Horowitz

Dr. Liad Horowitz

“Dr. Liad Horowitz Liad became a Reiki Master in 2001. He graduated with honors in East Asian Studies from Tel Aviv University in Israel. His master’s thesis sheds light on the esoteric roots of Reiki, and during his study, he compared and analyzed Reiki initiations from around the world to reveal a distinct pattern, the anatomy of initiation. A doctoral student, Liad lives in Israel, where he founded and manages the Israeli Reiki Master professional community.”

Contents of the Masterclass:


  • Analysis of the significance of initiation in Western Reiki today
  • The ancient roots dating back 2000 years of Reiki initiation
  • The state of initiation in Japanese Reiki lineages
  • Modifications that occurred during the translation from East to West
  • Distant initiations and current trends in Reiki
  • Questions and answers
masterclass Justin Stein ENG
Reiki Master Justin Stein

Dr.  Justin B. Stein PhD

“Dr. “Justin B. Stein (PhD, Study of Religion, University of Toronto) is an instructor of Asian Studies at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in British Columbia, Canada. His research program focuses on how exchanges within transnational networks have shaped spiritual/religious practices and ideas in the North Pacific region (North America, Hawaii, and Japan). He is the author of the groundbreaking five-part series that follows Reiki’s journey from Japanese therapy to global practice. Renowned Reiki scholar Justin Stein, PhD, covers the history of Reiki from the time of Mikao Usui in the early 1900s through Hawayo Takata’s teaching tours in the United States and Canada in the late 1970s. Dr. Stein delves into the unanswered questions about Reiki with his ongoing research.”

Contents of the Masterclass:

  • What we know about the teachings of Usui Mikao
  • Probable influences on his teachings
  • The early Reiki organizations in Japan
  • How Usui’s students adapted his teachings
Masterclass with walter lubeck ENG
Walter Lübeck the Spirit of Reiki

M° Walter Lübeck

Walter Lübeck is the founder and owner of the Rainbow Reiki® School. He teaches Rainbow Reiki® in German and English worldwide. His 25 books, nine of which are on Reiki, have been translated into more than 20 languages. He has produced several training videos on traditional Usui Reiki and Rainbow Reiki®, as well as several music CDs. Walter Lübeck received his first level in Traditional Usui Reiki in 1987 and has been teaching Reiki since 1989 when he achieved the 3rd Level (master/teacher) of Traditional Usui Reiki. He learned Reiki through the Western lineage and also through the Japanese lineage.
Traveling extensively in Japan, Hong Kong, Bali, India, and Hawaii, he studied the history and spiritual background of traditional Usui Reiki.
He is a well-known guest on talk shows in television and radio programs in many countries.”

Contents of the Masterclass:

  • What exactly is the energy called “Reiki”?
  • Substantial differences between Reiki and other energy disciplines
  • Reiki and science – documentation and research
  • Reiki in the Chinese spiritual tradition
  • Reiki as a tool for personal and spiritual growth
  • Kanji Reiki meanings and connections with spiritual applications
  • Reiki energy is “Intelligent”
  • Questions and answers

masterclas jojan jonker beeler ENG
Reiki master Dori Beller & jojan Jonker.

Dr. Dori M. Beller & Dr. Jojan jonker

“Dr. Jojan Jonker Jojan, a Reiki Master and independent scholar in religious studies, earned his doctorate from Radboud University in the Netherlands. His research focuses on the transmigration of Reiki from Japan to the West. He has been practicing Reiki since 1994.

Dr. Dori-Michelle Beeler Dori is a Research Scientist at the Levine Cancer Institute, Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and a Reiki Master. She earned her doctorate in medical anthropology from Durham University in the UK, focusing on contemporary Reiki practice.”


Contents of the Masterclass:

  • Surrendering to internal and external authorities
  • Psychophysiological processes
  • Reiki – A spirituality
  • Questions and answers
Reiki Masterclass Frans Stiene 2022 inglese
Reiki master Frans Stiene

M° Frans Stiene

“Frans is a globally recognized Reiki teacher who has trained in various countries, including Japan, Nepal, Italy, the UK, and Australia. His education includes learning from notable teachers such as Hyakuten Inamoto, Doi Hiroshi, and Chris Marsh. He has also conducted extensive research, interviewing prominent figures in the Reiki field like Yamaguchi Chiyoko and Dr. Matsuoka. Currently, Frans is training with a Japanese Shingon priest, Takeda Hakusai Ajari, studying Shinto, Shugendo, Tendai, and Shingon.

Frans’ teachings are deeply rooted in practices from early 1900s Japan, before the system of Reiki left the country. His method includes physical and energy-enhancing exercises that help practitioners delve deeper into their Reiki practice. His approach considers the system not just as a hands-on healing practice, but also as a spiritual path for students.”

Contents of the Masterclass:

  • The significance of Hatsurei-ho in our daily life and practice
  • Proper techniques and guidelines for practicing Hatsurei-ho
  • The ways in which Hatsurei-ho can enhance hands-on healing
  • Exploring the concept of Shinshin Kaizen in relation to hands-on/off healing

masterclass fokke brink ENG
Reiki master Fokke Brink

M° Fokke Brink

“My name is Fokke Brink, born in 1945 in the Netherlands and initiated into Reiki in 1984. I’ve been teaching worldwide since 1987 after being initiated as a master by Phyllis Lei Furumoto. I introduced Reiki to Lima, Peru, Lithuania, and have worked for 30 years in Russia, where I also introduced Phyllis. During my over 30 years of research, I’ve created special calligraphy symbol workshops to share my knowledge about our discipline, which I’ve gathered from my studies with the Oomoto Foundation in Japan and many masters worldwide. These include Eido Tai Shimano Roshi from the Dai Busatsu mountain monastery in New York and Kijima from the Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo, Order of the Lotus Sutra. I would like to share with you more stories about the Reiki Kanji, introducing you to the deeper power of our Reiki symbol.


Contents of the Masterclass:

  • Tracing the Reiki Kanji/Symbol
  • The precise order of strokes to draw
  • Information about each stroke being drawn
  • Unveiling and narrating the power encompassed by the Kanji


masterclass Rene Vogtli ENG
Reiki master Renè Vögtli

M° Renè Vögtli

René Vögtli has been a full-time Reiki Master since 1992, along with his wife Mischa Vögtli-Egloff. More information about them can be found on their website at René Vögtli passionately pursues the process of reconciliation within the Reiki community. His documentary interview with Phyllis Furumoto was released in 2017 and has been very successful. His current talk show, RTalk, features conversations with Reiki practitioners from all walks of life, receiving praise for the initiative.

Contents of the Masterclass:

  • Dissonance and reconciliation within the Reiki realm
  • My commitment to promoting reconciliation
  • My life journey with Reiki
  • Historical flashbacks
masterclass Frans stiene ENG 1
Reiki master Frans Stiene

M° Frans Stiene

“Frans is a globally recognized Reiki teacher who has trained in various countries, including Japan, Nepal, Italy, the UK, and Australia. His education includes learning from notable teachers such as Hyakuten Inamoto, Doi Hiroshi, and Chris Marsh. He has also conducted extensive research, interviewing prominent figures in the Reiki field like Yamaguchi Chiyoko and Dr. Matsuoka. Currently, Frans is training with a Japanese Shingon priest, Takeda Hakusai Ajari, studying Shinto, Shugendo, Tendai, and Shingon

Frans’ teachings are deeply rooted in practices from early 1900s Japan, before the system of Reiki left the country. His method includes physical and energy-enhancing exercises that help practitioners delve deeper into their Reiki practice. His approach considers the system not just as a hands-on healing practice, but also as a spiritual path for students.”

Contents of the Masterclass:

  • Exploring the esoteric elements of Mikao Usui’s teachings
  • Origins and meanings of Reiki symbols and mantras
  • Understanding the sacred nature of kototama
  • Uncovering the practices and teachings of Mikao Usui through training with Japanese priests



5-star-rating-review-star-REIKI MASTERCLASS BUNDLE

“Learning from internationally renowned Reiki Masters has been an enlightening experience. The Reiki Masterclass Bundle is worth every penny and has elevated my Reiki practice to new heights.”

5-star-rating-review-star-REIKI MASTERCLASS BUNDLE

This has been an amazing learning journey. Watching the videos has equipped me with the tools and knowledge to explore new facets of this powerful healing practice.”

5-star-rating-review-star-REIKI MASTERCLASS BUNDLE

“The quality of the videos is impressive. Each class offers unique insights into the world of Reiki, making it a fantastic resource for anyone looking to deepen their practice.”

5-star-rating-review-star-REIKI MASTERCLASS BUNDLE

“The Reiki Masterclass Bundle was an incredible learning experience. I appreciated the variety of topics and the depth of information provided. This bundle gave me the tools and knowledge to deepen my Reiki practice and explore new aspects of this powerful discipline.”

"Unlock the Power of Reiki Now for Just 39 Euros - Save 92% Today!"

“Take advantage of this limited-time offer and dive into the world of Reiki with our extraordinary bundle. Don’t miss out on this chance to learn from renowned masters and elevate your practice. Act now and save 92%!”


80% Discount: Get the entire bundle of 8 masterclasses at a fraction of the original price


Bonus Interviews: Receive 8 post-masterclass interviews as a complimentary bonus.


Expert Knowledge: Gain insights from internationally renowned Reiki Masters.


Lifetime Access: Watch the masterclasses at your own pace, anytime, anywhere


Comprehensive Coverage: Masterclasses cover unique Reiki aspects.


Enhance Your Practice: Deepen your understanding and practice of Reiki.


What is included in the Reiki Masterclass Bundle?

The bundle includes eight masterclasses taught by internationally renowned Reiki Masters. Each masterclass is two hours long and covers a unique aspect of Reiki. As a bonus, you’ll also receive eight post-masterclass interviews.

What language are the masterclasses in?

The masterclasses are conducted in English, with Italian translation available.

How long do I have access to the masterclasses?

Once purchased, you will have lifetime access to the masterclasses.

How do I access the masterclasses after purchasing?

After purchasing, you will be able ti download a PDF  an with the  instructions on how to access the masterclasses.

What is the cost of the Reiki Masterclass Bundle?

The bundle, valued at 800 euros, is currently available at a discounted price of 160 euros.

Who are the instructors for the masterclasses?

The masterclasses are taught by eight internationally renowned Reiki Masters. You can find more information about each instructor in the ‘Meet the Masters’ section of our landing page.

I am new to Reiki, can I still benefit from these masterclasses?

Absolutely! These masterclasses are designed to be beneficial for both beginners and experienced practitioners of Reiki.

What if I have questions or need support?

We’re here to help! Please contact our support team at with any questions or concerns.

About Us:
Cifor’s Journey and Commitment to Reiki Excellence

new Logo Reiki Cifor
Cifor, established in Caserta in 1999, emerged on the national scene as one of the first Italian Reiki schools to propose an Eastern discipline aimed at personal growth with an innovative approach. This approach meets the needs of the Western mentality, making the structuring of the courses as professional as possible and suitable for the needs of modern man.

With over twenty years of experience, Cifor is committed to promoting a form of Reiki that is close to its origins. It offers biennial training courses to become qualified Reiki practitioners and be included in the national registers in accordance with law 4/2013.

The founder has always been committed to promoting Reiki in the healthcare field. He teaches Reiki to healthcare staff for stress management and to promote self-healing. He has published research to support the effectiveness of Reiki, further demonstrating the school’s dedication to maintaining the highest standards in Reiki education and practice.

The Masterclass project was born in collaboration with AICS Department of Holistic Sciences and Techniques to promote the diffusion of the discipline on the national territory, offering the opportunity to listen to internationally renowned Reiki masters. This initiative underscores Cifor’s commitment to providing access to world-class Reiki education and fostering a deeper understanding of the practice.

M° Graziano Scarascia con Sensei Hyakuten Inamoto
Graziano Scarascia Premio Hayashi Reiki 2021
Dr. Graziano Scarascia
Educational Path: In 2012, he obtained a master’s degree in Professional Corporate, Mental and Life Coaching ICF. Four years later, he became a Holistic Counselor Trainer SIAF and subsequently a Systemic Relational Counselor. He graduated in Clinical and Dynamic Psychology. He works at the Sant’Anna and San Sebastiano national hospital in Caserta as a trainer and psychoeducator, teaching healthcare staff courses on Mindfulness for the management of work-related stress as well as other ECM courses on assertive communication and conflict management. For almost ten years (2005-2014), he was a teacher of naturopathy at AIOB. In 2016, he was appointed by AICS as the national head of the department of holistic sciences and techniques, which he currently leads with the intention of professionalizing the sector of bio-natural disciplines. He is the author of two books “Reiki Revealed” and “Reiki the art of attracting Fortune to oneself”.

In 2019, his research “The effects of a Reiki treatment excluding the placebo effect” was published in the American medical journal Alternative Therapies in Medicine and Health, for which he received the “Hayashi Reiki Research Award” from the Portuguese Reiki Federation. (Graziano S, Luigi C. Effects of Reiki Session Excluding the Variables Responsible for the Placebo Effect on a Group of Adults. Altern Ther Health Med. 2020 Oct 31:AT6601. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33128534.) In 2021, he became a member of the Group of researchers in the ERG (European Reiki Group). In 2021, he trained as a Mindfulness facilitator, a diploma obtained from the Higher Institute of Positive Psychology.

In the holistic field, from a very young age, he researched methods to develop his own psychophysical potential, which is why he approached martial arts: after obtaining a black belt in Kyokoshinkai Karate, he also became interested in Shoto Kan, Tae Kwon Do and Kick Boxing, and then obtained the technical grade in Chinese Kung Fu style Wing Chung. His approach to martial arts led him to study Qi Qong and Tai Chi Yang Style, so much so that he became part of the Italian YMAA School. At the age of twenty, he began to take an interest in meditation and studied Eastern culture. He then began to practice Zen meditation and subsequently Nichiren Daishoshin Buddhism. In over 20 years, he has had the opportunity to practice and experiment with various meditation techniques, participating in retreats and workshops.




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Contact Info


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